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i just love being me ♥
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 • 6/10/2014 11:45:00 AM • 0 comments

hye assalammualaikum. lama aku x updte blog .(ayat basi) kah! now aku dah nak masuk sem 5. wow aku senior bhaii, so junior siap sedia la kene buli ngan kakak yg comel lagi anggun dan ayu nhe. haha well slama dua tahun aku study di perantauan *betul ke eja* mcm2 story dah aku kumpul. better cerita kat sini. kalau kat twttr kang dorg ckp aku meroyan. haha last aku story kat blog nhe time aku sem 2. first entry mmg cerita sal si hafiz farik. oh gosh ! how i miss that guy! now kiteorg dah xde pape, hm well aku still igt sal dia. mmpi sal dia tpi xlah seteruk time clash tuh. haha and then lps dia budak AHMAD HIJRAN. first bdk poli aku kple. dlu aku pena ckp aku ANTI ngan kpel satu tmpt stdy. now kene ngan batang hdung sndri. haha !

but now dah clash gak. sadlife! semua clash sbb ex mereka mereka mereka. mmg aku couple2 dri skola semua sbb ex. hm org ketiga! saboo jer la aku ngan kau. tbh aku still ade feeling ngn ijit *hijran* tapi bila teringat dia bash aku and malu kn aku kt twttr terus hncur hati ini. hm now satu poli dah tau aku camna smua sbb dia. thanx sebab fitnah! haha then after clash ngan ijit pape jer aku buat msti ade kene mngene ngan phg and sbb tuh lah aku slalu teringat dia . well dia org phg actually. you know enn aku nhe suka budak pantai timur. hm now im single lonely forever alone.

dia nhe crush aku sbnrnya, bila dia ckp dia suka aku. i was like "OMGOMGOMG" then aku trima dia. rase mcm dah lama x kpel hm first semua nya sweet *well u know la first couple semua indah* dia mmg slalu bua aku happy. smpai 3 bulan kiteorg kple., i still happy actually then suddntly dia break kn aku mcm tuh jer. hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha im going crazy ! why! wht happen? and then after a week i found out he wif his ex. once again i laugh like mental girl hahahahahahhahaha crazy huh? well thats what we called life. time aku kpel ngan dia pn dia ade cntct ngan ex dia but nape aku bangang sgt bole x prsan. after that org ckp aku yg rmpas laki tuh dri pompuan tuh. laki nhe dah lama kpel ngan pompuan tuh. 3 taon kot xkn xde rase syg en. hm seriously aku xtau lgsg dia sbnrnya still couple ngan mnah tuh. hm bila tgok minah tuh lbh baik dri aku.

minah tuh bertudung, alim, cantik. org kg dia gak. hm bila tgok diri aku blik. byk sgt kurg so mmg ptut pon dia ngan minah tuh. bak kata org dlu2 knpe pilih kaca sdgkn permata di dpn mata. hm rse down gila bila ade ag lelaki jns nhe wujud kat muka bumi tuhan nhe. bila nak pupus ntah. hm well now trpksa tabah jer la. mmbe aku dlu dah ckp better stay kwan xyah trima dia tpi aku degil now PADAN MUKA kau beby! so now aku just kwn ngn semua. xnk couple kng jdi mcm yg lps2. serious aku dah serik dah ngn cintan cintun nhe. sbb aku dah takut. hm

hm dlu ade bdk class aku or lbh sng dia nhe kira bestfren aku, dia suka aku but i tolak uoalls. bcoz dia bff aku mne leh main couple. and then dia couple ngan bdk umah aku. kah! bdk tuh annoyg much! sbb dia suka show off dia ngan iwan*bff* tuh. fyi aku x hamak pon ngan mamat tuh so xyah nak takut show off bgai. hmm okay abaikan!

now aku nak jadi senior, so means mmg tmbh forever alone. sbb dah xde senior lain selain batch kiteorg. dah xde dah nak ajak teman kn aku lepak memalam. semua senior2 dah blah berambus . hoho but aku x heran pon. kawan kan ade. haha sem5 nhe aku nak jadi budak invi a.k.a invisble kah! xnk terlmpau menonjol sgt kat poli tuh. biar la org x knl. haha aku dpt rase sem 5 & 6 nnti sem yg menstress kan. grr aku blurr sbnrnya skrg nhe.

btw aku still ade crush, hm dia comel . actually byk sbnrnya crush aku. haha frst bdk nhe ade jgak la cntct aku tpi kdg2. haha and secnd bdk jbtn aku gak satu batch ngan aku. dua2 bdk pntai timur, sorg ganu sorg ag knltn., oh gosh ! idk why aku mmg suka ngan bdk pntai timur. dorg hensem kot! haha

aku nhe mmg slalu gagal dlm bab cintan cintun nhe, mmg failed gila laaa.. now aku dah takut. takut nak dkt ngan org sbb nnti dorg msti buat sama mcm ex aku buat. so better stay as friend jer la enn.. hmm but aku nhe kdg2 mcm jerry mcguaire *eh betul ke eja?* aku xleh lonely2 nhe. serious xleh. kang mmg meroyan la mmg rase rindu  ngan ex la. hm i just lack of love actually. *hentam jer la speaking tuh* haha  well sng cerita aku mmg xleh nk bercouple nnti kompom x kemana natang tuh. smpai satu thp aku rase mcm xnk khwen or xnk fall in love sampai bila2. semua sbb my trust on lelaki mkin kurg. hm

dah la merepek kerepek jer kojo aku nhe haaa, gatal sgt cerita sal lelaki jer. well mmg tuh la life aku yg slalu kene mainkn ole lelaki .. bila ntah nk rse bhgia mcm org lain *angan mt jenin..* haha k la bye uollss.


xoxo, the L O V E
Saturday, March 30, 2013 • 3/30/2013 02:50:00 AM • 0 comments

bru jak dpt berita dri mama.. nnek dlm pringkat kedua cancer cervix. ya allah ;'( kau kuatkan la nenek ya allah. jgn kau ambil dia dri ku. hmmm bgy aku peluang tuk bjnpa dgn nya sblom dia pergi...hmmm :'( nek bby syg nnk. :'(

xoxo, the L O V E
• 3/30/2013 02:26:00 AM • 0 comments

hye semua. lma dah x updte blog nhe.. dah berhabuks tw x.. huhuh hmm today aku nak cer sal nenek aku. hmm

bru2 nhe mak aku kol aku, dia gtw nenek dah msok ospital coz kena cancer. cancer cervix.. sedihhh tkut dah x smpt jumpa nnk. lps mak kol tuh mcm nak nges ja. law bole aku nak blik umah skrg jmpa nnk. sedihh dohh. ptot la sejak dua mnjak nhe aku rsa x sedp hti jk.. hmm now aku xtw sgt condition nnk. arap2 oke jak la. hmm

x sbr aku nak cpt2 abeskn final nnty. tggl sebuln jak ag aku dcni.. hmm x sbr nak jmpa nnk. hmm arap2 masih sempat. hmm

k la nak out dlu. bubye uallss

xoxo, the L O V E
ngok ngok
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 • 7/24/2012 09:38:00 PM • 0 comments

assalammualaikum. :) oke skunk aq mw g klas..  bubye :P

xoxo, the L O V E
tentang aq :)
Friday, May 4, 2012 • 5/04/2012 12:19:00 AM • 0 comments

hye :) nma q saida haziqah .bt.mohd said tpy aq d pggl 'BABY' ole fmly q.. grr ==' smpi skunk mc mlkat ag nme 2 bha ma aq.. ahahha  d skola pn kdg2 urank pggl aq bby coz mmk q pggl aq gtu d skola.. ahaha then lps skola aq pn d pggl bby juak.. eeh bby tuak sua.. ahah ( tuak la sgt ) :p tpy tia pa juak kiut juak bha ngan nma 2.. tpy plink pelik la lw urank pggl aq ngan nma 'HAZIQAH' adoi trus aq rsa len btul.. mty la tia pena2 nhe urank pggl aq gtu.. ahahha janggal wo trus aq ( skema nya ayt ) tpy tia pa la nma q juak kn.. oke umo q mw msuk 18.. t 21/12 bru aq 18.. aq nhe asl kk tggl sna 2 d kinarut.. tpy aq nhe urank nomad moden kwn2 q blg.. coz slalu pnda2 nhe adei.. skunk aq mc stay tawau.. tpy t tggal 18 buln 5 aq pg labuan sua study cna.. hmm bkal mrindu la aq ngan kwn2 q.. :(  tpy tia pa da juak FB.. FB mgerat kn hbgn wkwk aq nhe mcm2 aq skak (hobi) eheh plink q skak la MAKAN.. tpy bdn q tia pndai gumuk2.. gne2 jak.. adei cian eh kuyush btul aq bha.. ahah aq skak juak sopink , hangout ngan kwn2 , p nyanyi2 , n yg plink aq skak begambar2.. ahah pena bha juak aq mw jdy model.. ahah tpy aish mmk n bpk q tia kc.. durank mw aq jdy duktur qnuk eii pnt nya 2 keja nya.. aq skak ag keja enjoy2.. mw jdy pramugari juak tpy suma fmly q pndg rendah ngan pramugari.. dei bkn watm pa pn keja halal juak.. sowt.. ahah berla biar tuhan yg tentu kn.. huhu  owh yarh.. aq nhe ISLAM oke.. bkn nya non-muslim.. ary 2 pnya la aq p bndr durank sangka aq kristian.. eii budu nya.. mkak q mcm kapir ka.. eii geram aq eh .. d fb ag la.. da urank tag pic jesus ag ma aq.. sial la.. geram aq eh then daag nhe urank lma2 sua berchat skli mw op dea tya aq islm ka.. adoi mak.. mty la eh..tyda2 pn mkak q mcm kapir.. sbr sak la.. ehehe

pa ag mw d kc cryta yarh.. huhu aq nhe kdg2 gylak2 juak  nhe.. lw ma kwn2 q naa ktwk trus.. mty sak ndak lw ktwk.. ahah lw yg rpt ngan aq la.. tpy yg bru knl naa mmg aq pendyam abes mcm ndak wujud.. bkn pa aq nhe pemalu juak.. mmg pndyam abes. mcm urank bisu jak.. lw d bwk bckp naa bru la aq beckp2.. lw ndak na dyam2 jak la.. bkn pa t d blg tapujik ag.. ahaha tpy berla pa ckp urank yg pntg bhgia.. ahah aq nhe bule la juak d kata kn pnyabar (pnyabar la sgt) n aq skak spen2 urank.. n aq nhe PEMBOROS.. huh !! susa mw buang sua 2.. karas ag kepala q.. ahah degil naa n kdg2 kuat mejok n terasa.. ahahah aq nhe SETIA urank nya.. wkwk (setia la sgt) aik btul la.. jujr nhe.. dlu jak la aq kuat kc men2 urank tpy skunk ndak bha sua.. iya serius nya.. insaf sua aq.. eheh KALI NHE BTUL2 AQ SETIA NHE.. aahha d kc highlight wo bsr2..  jujr la aq ndak pndai begayak.. eheh ndak pndai aq bedressing2 nhe.. wkwkwk btul bha aq serius nhe.. aha aq nhe ank mamak.. manjak q mmg terlmpw mnjak.. tpy antra dlm kluarga q aq la yg plink MALAS ahah lw da kenduri mls aq mw d dpur rimas aq.. bgs ag p men gme ka mkn ka.. TYDO ka.. smpi anty2 q pgal ngan aq... besa la dri kecik aq terbiasa ikut abg2 sepupu q.. jdy mcm tumbuy2 juak ckit2 dlu.. ahah pena 2 dlu aq mw pky bju melyu tyme rya.. wkwkw adei tyme kicik2.. gylak kn.. nemw aq pky skirt.. d skola mmk q sgja bgy pky aq skirt2 2.. eii len wo aq rsa.. ahah rmbut q pindik btul dlu.. last2 netw gra2 pa aq tba2 mw pulak pky skirt trus.. ahah budu btul.. ehe byk bha cryta budu2 q tyme kicik2..  skunk aq byk brubh sua qnuk ndak sua mcm dlu.. oke2 sua ckit.. tpy tabiat mls q ttp tia bule ubah.. eheh owh yarh aq nhe bkn jns memilih.. coz aq dri kicik d didik ole bpk q jgn cerewet btul tryma jak seadanya.. cuma 1 jak aq cerewet anu apinih aq tia skak mkn syur bwg n ikn bilis.. pling aq anti nhe bnda.. lw aq nmpk jak syur d mknn q,, aq msty kc asing 2 1 persatu.. wlwpn yg kecik2 pnya sayur ttp aq kc asing.. ntah dri kicik tia pena mkn syur.. aq ikut bpk q.. bpk q pn tia mkn syur lw ndak slp la.. aahah

aq da 5 urank adek beradek n aq yg petma.. aq tyme drjah 1 bru dpt adek.. 7 thun aq sndry tyda adek nhe tba2 byk trus adek q.. n skunk mc kicik2 ag durank qnuk.. eheh lps nhe aq g labuan tyda la sua aq bule kc nges adek2 q.. ahah jaat kn aq.. ehe tia pa la bkn slalu.. eheh pa ag mw d cryta yarh.. ahah busn aq 2 la byk merepek nhe.. ahah tia pa la blog q juak kn.. ^^ k la t mlm ta smbg.. bubbye ^^

- salam syg dri bieyby <3 -

xoxo, the L O V E
syeera sanders-Kerana Kau Original.mp4
Monday, April 9, 2012 • 4/09/2012 12:54:00 AM • 0 comments

xoxo, the L O V E
Sunday, April 8, 2012 • 4/08/2012 12:28:00 PM • 0 comments

Lady: why do you like me? Why do you love me?

Man: I can't tell the reason. But I like you..

Lady: You can't even tell me the reason....
how can you say like me? How can you say you ♥ me?

Man: I really don't know the reason, but i can prove that I ♥ u.

Lady: Proof? No! I want u to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriendcan tell her why he loves her but not U!

Man: Ok..Ok!! Erm..
Because u r beautiful...
Because ur voice is sweet...
Because u r caring...
Because u r loving...
Because u r thoughtful...
Because ur smile...
Because ur every movements...

The Lady felt very satisfied withthe man's answer.....

Unfortunately, a few days later, the lady met with an accident and went into coma stage..
The guy then provide a letter by her side, and here is a content:
Because of ur sweet voice I ♥ u....
Now, can u talk???????
No! Therefore I cannot ♥ u.

Because of ur care n concern that I like u.....
Now, u cannot show them,
Therefore I cannot ♥ u.

Because ur smile...
Because ur every movements that I ♥ u...
Now can u smile??? can u move???
No! Therefore I cannot ♥ u..

If ♥ needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to ♥ u anymore...
Does ♥ need a reason??????? No!!
Therefore I still ♥ u....And ♥ does not needs a reason..
With ♥ always...
Forever yours..♥♥

xoxo, the L O V E

super owner ♥

Photobucket Hi, im Saida Haziqah . you guys can simply call me saida or bieby . gonna celebrate my 18th birthday this coming 21 December :) take notes , i belong to my dearly Charly Mosh ;D btw , don't ever dare to copy anything from this blog . ily :)

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